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ARCHITECT@WORK and its successful start in Munich

9 May 2022

ARCHITECT@WORK and its successful start in Munich


Finally, a trade fair as in the old days: the Munich edition of ARCHITECT@WORK was one of the first events in 2022 to return to the well-known positive trade fair atmosphere. So a new beginning has been made.


While fans of ARCHITECT@WORK in Vienna, Berlin and Frankfurt still have to wait until autumn, the Munich edition has already taken place: the German edition of the popular trade fair format was a complete success and was able to further increase visitor numbers. Compared to 2019, ARCHITECT@WORK Munich 2022 recorded a whopping 8.5 percent increase with over 2,000 visitors. This can be interpreted as a good sign, as trade fairs often struggle with a decline in times like these.


But the numbers were not the only pleasing thing about this trade fair kick-off: The freedom and joy of personal encounters has returned - a long-awaited moment, for visitors and exhibitors alike. The special show "Gesunde.Materialien" (healthy materials) by raumprobe was particularly well received, a topic that has been on everyone's lips not only since the last two years - the exhibition hits the nerve of the time to deal with everything more consciously and to basically create a good, healthy environment for life.


Contacts were made and information exchanged - the atmosphere was as good as if there had never been an interruption to these deeply human rituals, which everyone was now rightly looking forward to again. The old momentum has been resumed, and with the new one, the trade fair engine is humming again - a great relief for the organizers and exhibitors, even more so with such a large influx of visitors as in Munich. This is also due to the commitment and dedication ensuring that ARCHITECT@WORK consistently offers the same quality in terms of product variety, service and supporting programme. All or nothing is the motto: there are no half measures here.


"We are very pleased that many visitors remain loyal to us and that we are also able to attract new visitors," says Sigrid Du Chau, Project Assistant ARCHITECT@WORK. "It is not a matter of course today that people visit a trade fair. The success in Munich confirms that we are doing a good job. And that continues to drive us."


Although it is still a few months away, next autumn is sure to come and it has three editions of ARCHITECT@WORK in store. First up is the Austrian capital Vienna on 12 and 13 October 2022, followed just a week later - from 19 to 20 October 2022 - by Berlin, until the trade fair year then comes to an end in Frankfurt on 07 and 08 December 2022 - a highlight, as ARCHITECT@WORK will be celebrating its premiere in the city on the River Main. The 2023 editions of ARCHITECT@WORK in Stuttgart, Hamburg and Düsseldorf are also eagerly awaited.


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