With close to 200 leading international exhibitors from all trades of the construction industry, demand for places at the event has been strong for months. This will already be the third time in 2016 that ARCHITECT@WORK is set to welcome its trade and business visitors with a multitude of product and system innovations and a top-drawer seminar and exhibition programme in Stuttgart.
The central topic for the 2016 edition revolves around wood. Wood has been enjoying a marked revival in contemporary architecture for a good few years. This is highlighted in the special ‘VOLL.HOLZ’ exhibition staged by raumProbe and an exciting project exhibition by german-architects.com. In addition, you can look forward to exciting seminars by architects of renown, including Cobe Berlin, Graft Architekten, Holzer Kobler Architekten to name but a few.
The seminar programme is curated by our partner Stylepark, an independent platform for architecture and design.