On Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 December 2016, ARCHITECT@WORK in Stuttgart opened its doors for the third time running to architects, interior designers, engineering agencies and other planners and designers. Attracting a pleasing number of 2,950 trade and business visitors and close to 200 exhibitors, this sees the event confirm its position as the leading meeting place on the market, which impressed the interested professional audience with a raft of innovative products.
The special ‘VOLL.HOLZ by Raumprobe’ exhibition delivered a comprehensive bird’s eye view, showcasing the latest developments and cladding technologies that place a premium on wood. With over 150 exhibits in a broad spectrum of categories, the event provided insight into one of the world’s oldest building materials, which continues to have the potential to surprise. In addition, the special exhibition was rounded off with the 2016 Material AWARDs, showing the highlights and winners in all six categories.
Alongside exciting product and system innovations from all trades of the construction industry, professional visitors were treated to a top-drawer lecture and exhibition programme, organised by Stylepark, the architecture and design platform. Key note address speakers included Stefan Behnisch from Behnisch Architekten – Kai Bierich representing Wulf Architekten – Alexander Brenner from Brenner Architekten – Anna Philipp from Philipp Architekten and Jürgen Gaiser from Blocher Blocher Partners.